Sitting L to R: Membership Director Lion Ricardo 'Rick' Camacho, 1VP Lion Erin Retuyan, Charter Club President Lion 'EWY' Taitano MJF, 2VP Lion Mariana GUzman, Secretary Lion Patricia 'Patti' Quichocho. Standing L to R: Charter Member Lion Rodney Cepeda, Charter Member Lion Ewy Malaca, Safety Officer Lion Eric John Delfin, Lion Tamer Lion Edward Malaca, 1-Yr BOD Lion Yvonne Toves, 2-Yr BOD Lion Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, 1-Yr BOD Lion Lorenza 'Lou' Muna, Club Marketing and Communication Lion Mariam 'Tina' Alam, Club Tail Twister Lion Annie Pineda, Club Auditor Lion Daisy Ramirez. Back Row: Centennial District Governor Lion Arturo 'Art' Navarro 8PMJF

GIFLC Monthly Meeting



3:00 p.m.

VENUE:  District Office

Sunday, March 19, 2023

GIFLC General Membership Meeting - Silebrasion CHamoru & District Visit

SI YU’OS MA’ÅSE’ Familian ISAN FAMAGU’ON for our General Membership Meeting - Silebrasion CHamoru & District Visit held Sunday, March 19, 2023.  The meeting included recitations by ALL, President’s Message, Certificates of Appreciation from D204:  Health Fair, Airport Road Clean Up, Secretary’s Report, Treasurer's Report, etc.

The District 204 Region I Club Visit entourage included the following:

🦁 District Governor Loisa Cabuhat, PMJF

🦁 First Vice District Governor Blanca Imbo, PMJF 

🦁 Second Vice District Governor Roy Adonay, MJF

🦁 Region I Chairwoman Patti Quichocho 

🦁 Zone 1 Chairman John Cruz, PMJF

🦁 PDG / Global Service Team Coordinator Herbie Perez, PMJF

GIFLC present:

🦁 Prexy EWY Taitano, PMJF 

🦁 First Vice President Mariana Guzman

🦁 Second Vice President Ricky Camacho

🦁 Membership Chairwoman Annie Kasper

🦁 Service Chairwoman Mae Mendiola

🦁 Marketing & Communication Chairwoman Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera

🦁 Board of Director Erin Retuyan

🦁 Tail Twister Annie Pineda

🦁 Lion Tamer Rodney Retuyan

🦁 Jaynace Guzman

🦁 Edward Malaca 

🦁 Doris Royal

🦁 Rhea Taitano


Gaj Quichovho-Gonzalez

Ilanah Retuyan

Randi Retuyan

Rylan Retuyan

Delicious CHamoru-style foods were prepared and brought for all … GOF MÅNNGE’!

Islandwear 🌺

Decor .. 🌿🌺

We acknowledged with LEIS our:

SENIOR MEMBER .. 🦁 Felix Crisostomo .. Cub Gaj accepts & received the LEI on behalf of his Lion Grandpa)


🚩 DG Loisa acknowledged GIFLC Achievements:  Active, clubs sponsored, membership, Lions who sponsored new members:

🦁 Julie Garcia, MJF - 11

🦁 Patricia Quichocho - 4

🦁 Mariana Guzman - 2

🦁 Edward Malaca - 1

🦁 Mariam “Tina” Alam - 1

🦁 RoseMarie Matsunaga - 1

🦁 Theresa Taitano - 1

Club Excellence Award (received LY 21-22 Patch & President’s Pin),

Club Activities & Services, and LCIF Donations 

🚩 DG presented the District Global Membership Approach (GMA) Plan

.. Club & Membership Incentives 

🚩 Reviews the Club Excellence Award program .. Service, Membership, Leadership, Marketing Communication

Mentions of our members who’ve other commitments 🌈

“Together We Can” .. and .. 

Together We Will 🌈🦁 ROAR

Enjoy the following snapshots!

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