Sitting L to R: Membership Director Lion Ricardo 'Rick' Camacho, 1VP Lion Erin Retuyan, Charter Club President Lion 'EWY' Taitano MJF, 2VP Lion Mariana GUzman, Secretary Lion Patricia 'Patti' Quichocho. Standing L to R: Charter Member Lion Rodney Cepeda, Charter Member Lion Ewy Malaca, Safety Officer Lion Eric John Delfin, Lion Tamer Lion Edward Malaca, 1-Yr BOD Lion Yvonne Toves, 2-Yr BOD Lion Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, 1-Yr BOD Lion Lorenza 'Lou' Muna, Club Marketing and Communication Lion Mariam 'Tina' Alam, Club Tail Twister Lion Annie Pineda, Club Auditor Lion Daisy Ramirez. Back Row: Centennial District Governor Lion Arturo 'Art' Navarro 8PMJF

GIFLC Monthly Meeting


FEBRUARY 18, 2024

3:00 p.m.

VENUE:  District Office

Saturday, July 27, 2019

District 204 Workshop A Success!

Congratulations to the Officers who completed the Lions Club International District 204 Club Secretary and Club Treasurer workshop on July 27, 2019!  Si YU’OS MA’ÅSE’ to the GIFLC Officers who attended the training, including the following:

  • Presidents Session (AM):  1VP L. Patti Quichocho, 2VP L. Yvonne Toves, and Prexy Ewy Taitano (also as Zone 3 Chairperson).
  • Secretaries and Treasurers Session (PM):  Secretary L. Maria Agulto and Treasurer L. Audrea Mendiola. 
District 204 Club Secretary and Club Treasurer Workshop
July 27, 2019, Tamuning, Guam

Monday, July 22, 2019

GIFLC Meeting - Aug. 1

Time:  6:30 p.m.
Location: District 204, Tamuning, Guam

Happy 1st Anniversary GIFLC!

Guahan Isan Famagu'on Lions Club celebrated its 1st Anniversary on July 22, 2019 at the Nikko Hotel.  Happy Anniversary GIFLC, and may you have many more years to come to service the community of Guam!  ROAR!
The GIFLC celebrates its 1st Anniversary on July 22, 2019 at the Nikko Hotel

Wednesday, July 3, 2019


APPRECIATION HOME VISIT with L.PDG Emilio Uy who has generously donated the GIFLC Club Banner & Podium Banner for our Charter Club with L.Ewy Taitano MJF (Club President), L.RoseMarie Matsunaga MJF (member and LCI District 204 Cabinet Secretary), L.Mariana Guzman (Club 2VP) .. presenting fruit basket and zucchini bread.

Quarterly Environmental Airport CleanUp

Lions Club International District 204 Quarterly Environmental Airport CleanUp May 26,2019. Si Yu’os Ma’åse to all that joined us! 

Hafa Adai Bingo

It was a fun night at the Håfa Adai Bingo on May 26,2019. Dångkolo na si Yu’os Ma’åse’ to Manager Mike, Assisted by Tita Ena, and Mo. It was a success!

GIFLC Members as pictured: (left to right front) L.Mariana Guzman (2VP), L.Patti Quichocho (Secretary), L.Erin Retuyan (1VP), Prexy Ewy Taitano, Mr. Mike, L.Annie Pineda (Tail Twister). (back row) L.Yvonne Toves (1-Yr BOD), L.Eric Delfin Jr (Safety Officer), L.Julie Garcia MJF (LCIF Chair), Ms MO and Ms Ena. -- not pictured: L.Tina Alam (Mktng & Comm). 
Proceeds for this Fundraising will go towards Pediatric/Children's Cancer and the GIFLC's focus project: Children with Special Needs / Disabilities.
The 5 Global Service Goals: Pediatric Cancer, Vision, Environment, Diabetes and Hunger. Serving Our Communities.

Centenarian Luncheon

The Guahan Isan Famagu'on Lions Club prepare gift items (Wish List) for Centenarian "Tan Cesaria Cruz Arce" to be presented during the Centenarian Luncheon - May is Senior Citizens Month. Pictured left to right: L.Lorenza Muna, L.Yvonne Toves, L.Audrea Mendiola, L.Julie Garcia, L.Tina Alma, Prexy L.Ewy Taitano, L.RoseMarie Matsunaga and L.Mariana Guzman.